Dixie Belle Products
Please get in touch if there is any other Dixie Belle product or any product from the Belles & Whistles Transfer or redesigned by Prima lines you would like us to order in at any time. Free colour charts with your first order!
Dixie Belle Paint produces eco-friendly chalk and mineral paints that require minimal prep and give a really smooth finish. With its large range of products, its perfect for both the complete beginner and the more advanced upcyclers.
Dixie Belle now offers two different paint lines. Its original Chalk Paint is a chalk mineral blend offering highly creative possibilities such as colour blending whilst the newest paint line, Silk Mineral Paint, is an all in one paint with built-in primer, stain blocker and top coat which is perfect for those wanting to complete the task in fewer steps.
Even better, you can paint on virtually any surface offering you endless opportunities for updating furniture and accessories in your home.
You’ll find plenty of choice with a beautiful palette of 100 colours, even more colour recipes as well as a whole host of metallic, accenting and finishing products and accessories to help you create sensational pieces.